I'm only 24% in and I have FiOS so I'm amazed at you 50 percenters! (OK, I have older FiOS that Verizon refused to let us upgrade to the current faster options, but still, it's usually lightning fast) Guild wars 2 core only game download size? : Guildwars I go from 0 to 1MB/sec quite a bit on it, rarely get over 1MB. Remember that a LOT of people are loading right now. Intel Iris 5100 or better (512MB of video RAM and shader model 3.0 or better) Memory: 4 GB RAM. Guild Wars 2 (core game, Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire) Operating System: Windows® 7 or better (64 bit only) Processor: Intel® Core 2 Quad 2.4 GHz.

New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Guild wars 2 core only game download size? just wanna know how big the download size of gw2 core only game is since i have really slow internet speed.