These rebates mean that WIC obtains infant formula at a large discount, generating $1.3 billion to $2 billion a year in savings that allows WIC to serve 2 million more participants each year with its federal funding. Infant formula manufacturers provide substantial discounts, in the form of rebates, to state WIC programs in return for the exclusive right to provide their products to the state’s WIC participants. WIC is also cost-effective, and its competitive bidding process for purchasing infant formula is essential to its efficiency. Extensive research has documented that WIC is extremely effective: participating in WIC improves low-income families’ nutrition and health, leading to healthier babies, more nutritious diets and better health care for children, and higher academic achievement for students. 6: 576–583.The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, popularly known as WIC, provides nutritious foods, counseling on healthy eating, breastfeeding support, and health care referrals to nearly 8 million low-income women, infants, and children at nutritional risk. (2010) ‘The effects of SNAP and WIC Programs on nutrient intakes of children’, Food Policy, vol. 3) Lee J, Bouwens T, Savage M and Vann W (2006) ‘Examining the Cost-effectiveness of Early Dental Visits’, Pediatric Dentistry, vol. General Accounting Office (1992) ‘Early Intervention: Federal Investments Like WIC Can Produce Savings’, Document HRD 92-18, Washington, D.C. 1) Chiasson M, Findley S, Sekhobo J, Scheinmann R, Edmunds L, Faly A, McLeod N, and Gregg D (2013) ‘Changing WIC Changes What Children Eat.’ Obesity vol. Department of Agriculture for USDA's Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children. WIC™ is a registered trademark of the U.S. Availability and eligibility is subject to change check with your local state WIC™ agency. Please check with your state/local WIC program for eligibility of these items. These products meet the minimum Federal requirements for the Women, Infants and Children Supplemental Nutrition Program (7 CFR section 246.10). Beech-Nut is a proud member of the National WIC™ Association Business Council.