Prigozhin, head of the Wagner mercenary group and once a confidant of the Russian leader, claimed that he and his fighters had taken Rostov-on-Don, where the Russian military headquarters overseeing the war in Ukraine is based.Russian President Vladimir Putin had accused mercenary Prigozhin of "treason" and vowed to crush the growing armed rebellion.In a Telegram post, the news agency reported that Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, also said Prigozhin would "go to Belarus" and that Wagner fighters would not be prosecuted. Tass, a media outlet run by Russia's government, reported the criminal case against Prigozhin would be dropped.In a post on Telegram, Prigozhin said the move was done to avoid bloodshed. Wagner mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin said Saturday he had ordered his forces to turn back and return to their bases, seemingly abandoning an armed rebellion that had them heading toward Moscow.We make completing any Temporary Driver's License Texas easier.What to know about the situation in Russia As an instant download, an attachment in an email or through the mail as a hard copy. There are many alternatives for receiving the doc.

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